The Invoice1 WOD was about practicing our Javascript skills and use of expressions and operators to create a dynamic invoice. We used various string and arithmetic operators to compute values and input them into a table. What worked well for me was practicing using RegEx to quickly find and replace all of the 1s so I did not have to do them manually. I would definitely have been in the Sd category if I did not use it. What slowed me down was remembering how to format the strings, especially when we had to include the $. That was one of the reasons why I had to re-attempt the WOD. To prepare, I did what I normally do for WODs, I did the readings and watched the lecture. Then, I did my first attempt with the readings open so I could figure out the formattings for the strings. I think to be better prepared for the next WOD, I could read the instructions fully before starting. This would allow me to understand what resources and understandings I need to complete the WOD smoothly the first time. I tend to start the WOD and figure it out as I read the instructions, but it can be time consuming to hunt down the necessary information while doing the timed WOD. It might be better to understand the concepts fully before starting the timer so I would already have my resources pulled up and can complete the WOD in a timely manner. Here is the link to Invoice 1: