I was never the type of person that knew what I wanted to be, it was always changing. I am an incredibly indecisive person and I did not have any real passion for anything I have tried. However, I knew that I wanted to be in a position that would provide me with the flexibility and security to figure out what I wanted to do. This is why I chose MIS as my major. Technology is constantly advancing and opening new job opportunities in every industry. Since I do not have a concrete idea of what I want to do, it is essential to have the flexibility to adapt to any industry. Additionally, Information Systems knowledge is in high demand amidst all of the evolving technology which provides job security. Currently, I narrowed the career that I would like to pursue into either the field of data analytics or project management and MIS coordinates well with these fields. So, I hope it is a good route for me to break into these fields and provide me with many opportunities.